The majority of new to college students usually come from parents who either have no college education or no more than a community college education. The majority do not know what they want to major them. They know college is different from highschool, but they don't know how. They usually don't have a lot of money for classes, but they are willing to do the best they can and many depend on financial aid. Most will end up in at least one or two developmental courses.
I hope that helps. What will this course be called? We already have a Learning Frameworks class called HDEV 1300. Is that the one you mean? Is this going to be mandatory in addition to HDEV 0092, which is already mandatory for all new students who do not pass into college level courses?
If a student can only afford to take two courses one semester, it sounds like this student may have to do HDEV 0092 and then HDEV 1300 or Learning Frameworks course, unable to take any other course for that first semester. Is this correct? Can you tell me more.
This is particularly important to know as an advisor. I imagine my boss knows all about this?
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