Wednesday, August 5, 2009

From a Student Assistant

Hello ... I love this question!

I am a student assistant in the ACCESS Center here at Richland, which is why I received your email.

As a new student just two short years ago I will tell you that she is someone who is by choice or circumstance re-evaluating her life and wondering where to go next. She is nervous about taking classes because she hasn't been in school for a very long time. She is wondering how she will possibly fit in with other students who may be up to 20 years younger than she. She is scared that she will not be able to handle classes in addition to taking care of her family. She is unsure of what will be required of her. She is excited about her future. She has been in the workforce for many years making less than the national average and has come to realize the value of a college degree. She is needing help and information about how to pay for college. She will be a good student and will receive great grades. She is a long-time consumer and will expect to receive what she paid for. She may need help maneuvering around eCampus and eConnect and will not understand what "Lect, Web" or "OnlinePtl" means when trying to register for a math class.

She will also come to see her time at Richland as "one of the best things she ever did!" She will be very proud when she walks across the stage in May to receive her Associates Degree and will cry tears of joy when she receives her acceptance letter from TWU's Nursing School. She will miss Richland College because it has supported her, encouraged her, motivated her, and accepted her. 

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